Monday, March 2, 2009

Focus #8 - And the verdict is...

A novel's plot unfolds a series of events leading to a dramatic climax. The timing of such events can make a novel predictable or riveting. Lee makes deliberate choices about how to structure and pace eveents to tell a coming-of-age story that speaks to all generations.

To Kill A Mockingbird begins as a story about curiousity, sibling adventures, and the first school days. The novel evolves into a saga about crminal justice, legal representation, and deep-rooted Southern values. The guilty verdict changes Jem and leads him to new understandings.


  1. Read Chapters 19-24
  2. During the trial, Atticus questions four witnesses. Name each witness, note the key information given by each witness during questioning and note how the witness behaves on the stand, commenting on the general impression the witness makes.
  3. Atticus says, "There is one way in this country in which all men are created equal - there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution the court".
    Debate the truth of this statement.

With your group, discuss and make a list of what are the major turning points in this novel so far. Decide upon the most significant turning point and justify why this is the TSN Turning Point. Refer to the novel to support your arguments. (Remember that a turning point causes change for the protagonist.)


  1. Atticus questioned a few winesses and came up with valid reasons for tom being not guilty. even in a town that knows he is innocent tom will still be charged guilty simply for being black. this shows that even with 100 percent proof innocent he will still be guilty no matter what.

  2. I think the turning point in the story is after chapter twelve i think jem is growing up because they start calling him sir Jem, something like that. Then the trial comes and there's a lot of negitivity.

  3. Atticus interviews the shariff, Mayla Ewell, Bob Ewell, and Tom Robbinson. When Atticus intrviewed the witnesses but Tom Robbinson all of there stories sounded rehersed and they all had a diffrent story. Tom Robbinson's story sounded true. I agree with Atticus. We all are not the same, so therefore we dont have the right to say that we could be. The poor would have to be rich inorder to be compared to a millionare.


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